Israel, Jerusalem Gallery
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Photographs and a tour plan to the old city of Jerusalem
The old city of Jerusalem has an exceptional atmosphere, in particular during holidays and on Saturdays. This unusual tone is created by crowds of visitors and orthodox members of all three religions, who wander through the narrow streets and alleys, either to visit the sacred sites or merely to absorb the sounds, scents, and vivid sights of the markets.
The old city of Jerusalem has an exceptional atmosphere, in particular during holidays and on Saturdays. This unusual tone is created by crowds of visitors and orthodox members of all three religions, who wander through the narrow streets and alleys, either to visit the sacred sites or merely to absorb the sounds, scents, and vivid sights of the markets.
The Hasmonean aqueduct at the north end of the Western Wall Tunnels, under the Muslim Quarter buildings, The Old City 2008