Israel, South Hebron Hills Gallery

The People in South Hebron Hills
The Palestinians in South Hebron Hills (Massafar Yatta, at the southernmost edge of the West Bank) live in villages. Bedouins live in tents or in huts made of tin and stone; peasants live also in caves. In South Hebron Hills I met beautiful, hospitable people, who welcomed me warmly. I visit them since December 2010 with The Villages Group
The Palestinians in South Hebron Hills (Massafar Yatta, at the southernmost edge of the West Bank) live in villages. Bedouins live in tents or in huts made of tin and stone; peasants live also in caves. In South Hebron Hills I met beautiful, hospitable people, who welcomed me warmly. I visit them since December 2010 with The Villages Group
Erella and Rabiha, Susya 2011