Middle East, Jordan, Jerash Gallery

The Impressive Ruins of Jerash
I traveled in Jordan with Dr. Nahum Sagiv, historian and archaeologist, and Batzi Ziv, Christianity expert. We visited Gerasa (Jerash), the best preserved city amongst the Decapolis cities. We were impressed by the huge gates, magnificent colonnaded streets, the Tetrapylon erected at the intersection of the Cardo and the Decumanus, temples, theaters, Hippodrome, and the synagogue that turned into a church. We traveled in Jordan in April 2016.
I traveled in Jordan with Dr. Nahum Sagiv, historian and archaeologist, and Batzi Ziv, Christianity expert. We visited Gerasa (Jerash), the best preserved city amongst the Decapolis cities. We were impressed by the huge gates, magnificent colonnaded streets, the Tetrapylon erected at the intersection of the Cardo and the Decumanus, temples, theaters, Hippodrome, and the synagogue that turned into a church. We traveled in Jordan in April 2016.
The South Gate in the wall of the Roman city, 2016